Schaeffer Dufour

66 rue Jean-Baptiste Lebas 59910 Bondues
+33 (0)3 20 24 30 51

Présentation : Schaeffer-Dufour Group was created by the merger of Etablissements Schaeffer Cie and HGD Dufour.
During recent years, the group has divested itself of all its French industrial plants, and more recently the service company has been developing integrated IT solutions for the textile industry.
The group's operations revolve around 3 centers of activity:
- a spinning and weaving division in the Republic of the Ivory Coast, that is itself partly divested from the fabric printing company;
- textile industry facilities and diversified companies in South Africa;
- two service companies, one providing technical assistance to the African companies and operating in the field of textile engineering and the other being the European commercial liaison for Ivory Coast weaving.
Geographic distribution of net sales is the following: France (4%), Ivory Coast (63%) and South Africa (34%).

Plan siège social Schaeffer Dufour